Tuesday, July 17, 2007

El Crimen Ferpecto

  • The movie is very fast-paced
  • Shows the “baser” instincts of people in today’s society in a slick manner
  • Funny, but not funny enough.
  • Average performances by the main characters.
  • Pointless pondy scenes (err.. maybe we should move this up to “Good”? J)


  • Lourdes (oh wait.. that wasn’t me who said it , it was Sandhya J !)
Rating: 6.5 / 10
El Crimen Perfecto on IMDB
Review by Prashant

1 comment:

Edward CrisscrossHands said...

It was not laugh out loud funny. But the characters were so exaggerated, that it was
funny. Every part of the movie was exaggerated. The pompousness of the hero, the
helpless swooning of his female lovers, the craftiness and desperation of the heroine,
the dysfunction-ness of her family - they were all outrageously exaggerated but not
crossed over to being slapstick. It was dark humor.

But we have seen this before. Others try it and succeed better. (Get Shorty, Pulp Fiction)
And so, it would take a lot to impress us. As for the nudity, I don't think that bothered me.
I feel it adds to the comic element, and I think they are a lot more stuck up in the US
cinema world.

My rating is a 6.0/10.